About Us
We are a Reformed Baptist church that treasures the Gospel of the crucified and risen Lord Jesus...
We believe that the Lord's Day is the most precious day of the week when we gather together to worship the Triune God through singing, prayer, preaching, and fellowship. Our church prioritizes congregational prayer and a sincere communion of the saints. We cherish the exposition of God's holy scripture during the worship service. We strive to see the Gospel being proclaimed to all nations, tongues, and tribes.
ACME Fellowship of Churches
Salem Reformed Baptist is a part of the Association of Churches for Missions and Evangelism, also known as ACME.
Visit https://acmefellowship.org/ for more information
Northwest Church Network
Our Church is also a part of the Northwest Church Network (NCN). The Northwest Church Network is an association of Reformed Baptist churches in the great Pacific Northwest.
Portuguese Speaking Pastors Project
Salem Reformed Baptist is in partnership with the Portuguese Speaking Pastors Project (PSP) for the purpose of advancing the Gospel and God's Kingdom. The focus of the Portuguese Speaking Pastors Project is to provide theological training, financial support, solid literature, and pastoral mentoring, while also hosting annual leadership conferences. The PSP strives to introduce pastors and leaders to sound doctrine, and more specifically, the Doctrines of Grace.
You can find out more by visiting https://www.pspministry.org/

Francisco & Family
Francisco José de Abreu
As a church Salem Reformed Baptist supports Francisco José de Abreu, a missionary located in Mozambique, Africa. Francisco is the pastor of Alliance Community Baptist Church. He is married to Claudia Neilane, and they have five children, João Lucas, Tamara, Inácio, Stela, and Felicina. The church began as a church plant in the city of Maputo, Mozambique in 2015. They are a reformed confessional church with about 70 members, and they have around 100 in attendance most Sundays. Their goal is to plant reformed churches through the local leadership that they are discipling and training. They presently offer a seminary degree in Reformed Theology with as many as fifty students taking classes, all through their local church.