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Sermon & Series Archive

Faith comes by hearing...

        ...and hearing through the word of God.

- ROMANS 10:17

In a day and age when the truth is in short supply, censored, and constantly attacked, we as the Church must always stand as a pillar and buttress of the truth (1 Tim. 3:15). Unfortunately, preaching that is faithful to the Word of God is sparse at best, and biblical literacy among professing Christians seems to be at an all time low. 


It is with this sobering reality in mind that we invite you to enjoy the exegetical & theologically rich content you will find contained in this archive. It is our deep desire that this sermon library would be an edifying & treasured resource for you, family & friends, or whomever you choose to share the good news of Lord & Savior Jesus Christ with. Most of all, we pray that God would be glorified through the expository & faithful preaching of His living & active word.


Older sermons not presently on the website are available

on our YouTube and SermonAudio pages.

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